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Welcome to
~ The Fioretti ~

Marian University's Student-Led Literary Journal

Photo by Fioretti Students of '86 - '87 (Vol. 45 No. 1)

Why Submit to The Fioretti?

With The Fioretti, both our annual print publication and our ongoing online publication, we provide a platform for Marian University's amazing writers and artists to showcase their creativity and talent. Our goal is to create a community for creatives alike who appreciate the art of not only literature but also many other art forms as well.


We're constantly looking for new voices in the creative world and would love to see anything and everything you have to offer!

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About The Fioretti

The Fioretti is a literary magazine created by and for Marian University's students. We believe that literature is an important part of our culture, and we aim to provide a platform for student writers to share their work and ideas.

Photo by Kadin Gaviola '27

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