This piece was authored by Michelle Williams, a Marian alum in the Women's College Partnership program.
Appreciation for your life in a story,
Catapulting my mind through your sense of time
Lines vivid and dripping with truth
Images of pain coupled with ode to a friend
A desperate search through darkness for peace
Constantly tormented by hate’s verbal knife.
The serrated edges of your oyster knife
Illuminate the ugly facets of this world’s story
Focused on self, unable to restore peace
Ignorance so bliss, await another time
When the one you thought was a friend
Makes racist comments revealing their truth.
Like fake news, lies our new truth
Smiling faces, digging deep, blades of knife
Feigning concern much like a friend
Collecting data to use in their next big story
Violating sanctity of your vulnerable time
While you beg for just a little bit of peace.
Destructed world copping pleas for peace
Lay down your gauntlet, start with truth
Division caused by hatred over time
Racism, Sexism, Classism, violent as a butcher knife
Only selfless, unconditional love can change this story
Open embrace like you do a friend.
Invite your neighbor, call him friend
Forgive all wrongs, agree to peace
Remove hatred from beginning story
Restore desire for real truth
Put in sheath the vicious knife
Start over with love this time.
Beauty found in fragments of time
Laughing, tears streaming, cheeks with closest friend
Love penetrating deeper than knife
Moments linger with blissful peace
Certain of one infallible truth
Always chance to re-write story.
To you and your friend who seek peace,
It’s time, dull knife, speak truth
Be the new story!