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Shattered by Vanessa Ochoa

i am fighting everything in me that wants to call you, send you a text ask you questions

my body is shaking

i can't stop thinking of you

which hurts the most

i know how happy my heart would be if i could go back

but my mind says not you cant put yourself in that situation anymore.

i broke my own heart when i believed that your love was solid, real and pure.

i broke my heart when i thought that you always treated me good

i broke my heart every chance i gave you, every time i thought it would get better, every time you gave me your word and failed, every time i look at you with love in my eyes. i break my heart

when you were yelling at me. . . i lost everything, every crack in my heart became bits and pieces . . . . everything shattered. there was nothing left- but yet i still hurt, there is more pain. its almost as if i have an endless supply. but through everything you put me through, every hurtful word and action. i still love you. i still want you. i still want to be with you. i still want to be loved by you. i still want to be held in your arms. i still want to be caressed by you. but i can never feel your touch again.

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