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Too Much Green by Lisa Rosenfeld

This piece was taken from the archives of the Mother Theresa Hackelmeier Library on Marian University's main campus. It was originally published in Volume 59 by the 2000-2001 Fioretti students.


Too much green

There is so much to name

Too much green

My room is full of green

Comforter, curtains and my rugs

Too much green

I think I am on a roll

Pickles, spinach and cucumbers

Too much green

Still moving along

Christmas trees and wreaths

Shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day

Too much green

Still more to name

The green of Astroturf that football players play on

Including the Green Bay Packers

Too much green

Let's keep the ball rolling

Trees, grass, leaves and bushes

Are all seen at best in the summer

Too much green

Looks like it will never end

"Green Eggs and Ham"

Greenday and "Greensleeves"

Even that gross song about

"Great Green Globs of Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts"

And let us not forget the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes"

Too much green

Let's not try to go overboard

Skittles, M&M's and jelly beans too

But not the green Jelly Belly jelly beans

For those are the ones I despise most

Too much green

Let's not forget money

Which most college students can only dream of

Too much green

I think we get the idea

That there is just

Too much green

In this world we live in

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